Home Sales
Planning on selling? Our agents work overtime to make sure you are well taken care of. We believe that getting a head start and looking at the month you are looking to sell and reviewing historical selling trends will ensure that we come to market at just the right time. We perform a pre-list inspection to review the condition of your home and make recommendations for improvements before selling, so that you can be reassured that potential buyers will want to see themselves living there as well. Before going active to market, we sit with our clients and set the expectation of what the homes value is so you can be successful in getting moved out on time and abundantly happy with the outcome.

Home Purchases
Want to purchase a home? Our agents understand changing and competitive markets that buyers commonly find themselves in. Our agents work overtime to explain and layout a process to alleviate any fears or doubts in buyers minds about owning a home. Our agents listen to client’s criteria’s, time frames, and financial boundaries in buying. When needed, we can assist in making recommendations for a lender to get pre-approved for a loan. We schedule showings for our clients and ensure that our clients safety comes first. We review any reports and disclosure about the property and share those with the client. We work with listing agents on those homes our clients are most interested in to understand their strategy and see if it will align with ours in moving forward to a healthy and smooth close.

Residential Leasing
Ready to lease? Our agents work hard to find the dwelling that you want to live in taking into account your leasing needs, be it location, proximity to certain places, any special considerations like pets, time frames for this particular lease, layout, and even financing. We will show you everything that is available to you can make the most informed decision.

Property Management
Moving away and returning some day and need a property manager? Or, purchasing another property and keeping a property but need some assistance in managing a property? Our agents have years of experience in helping clients manage their investments. We understand that these properties are investment vehicles and need to operate at maximum efficiency, not only to satisfy the tenant, but so that you can demand the topmost rent for the community it is located in. Our agents work hard to help you understand how we select prospects to live in your investment. We outline our services and help you make the most informed decision possible.

Home Renovation
Perception Real Estate Group has years of experience in working with general contractors and service providers in many areas as it relates to home improvement and large remodels. From landscaping projects, to interior design, we can help put you together with the right person to create a plan for success taking into consideration your current living needs and tailoring that so that whatever the project, you can be assured that those servicing you understand your expectations, making for a successful outcome and incredible reveal.

Perception Real Estate Group, Inc. is part of a professional global network of real estate agents dedicated to assisting those who are relocating and as a part of selling a home for our clients, we offer relocation services. As with Perception Real Estate Group, these like-minded firms share the same strengths that we do in that they are dedicated to client’s success, making sure the client is well educated before visiting the new location, educating them on neighborhoods and mashing the client’s needs with those locations described, and If needed, working with a lender and making sure that no stone is unturned in the process. Our firm works with the partner firm in assuring that the sale of the home locally and the purchase of a home elsewhere is as seamless as possible.

Short Sale
Perception Real Estate Group, Inc. is part of a professional global network of real estate agents dedicated to assisting those who are relocating and as a part of selling a home for our clients, we offer relocation services. As with Perception Real Estate Group, these like-minded firms share the same strengths that we do in that they are dedicated to client’s success, making sure the client is well educated before visiting the new location, educating them on neighborhoods and mashing the client’s needs with those locations described, and If needed, working with a lender and making sure that no stone is unturned in the process. Our firm works with the partner firm in assuring that the sale of the home locally and the purchase of a home elsewhere is as seamless as possible.
Interested in one of our services?
Give us a call or send us an email and one of our agents will get back in touch with you right away.
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